Corteva Agriscience™ Arable Hub

Winter wheat in February

Welcome to our arable hub

In-season solutions and support at your fingertips.

Product highlights

Here are some of this season's featured products and solutions and related key technical information. 

Click here to view other products.

Potato Field Mobile

Zorvec Entecta™

Zorvec Entecta™ is proven as the most effective control for Late Blight and will ensure a clean start to your Blight programme, even under the most challenging conditions.

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Belkar bottle


Belkar® is a post-emergence autumn applied herbicide for use on winter oilseed rape. It is highly effective for key weeds such as cleavers, cranesbill, fumitory, poppies and shepherd’s purse.

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Oilseed rape landscape

Pioneer's PT303 Protector® Sclerotinia

This season, choose the UK’s all-round top performer. PT303 Protector® Sclerotinia is the first hybrid offered to UK growers with a claim for Sclerotinia tolerance. It’s impressive disease package includes TuYV resistance, partial resistance to verticillium stem stripe and a score of 7 for light leaf spot and 6 for phoma. 

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Utrisha N  Instinct

BlueN™ - a nutrient efficiency biostimulant

BlueN is a nutrient efficiency biostimulant.  The natural bacteria, Methylobacterium symbioticum, fixes nitrogen from the air and converts it for the plant.​

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Get £200 cashback with our OSR offer

Corteva Agriscience is helping farmers to maximise the potential of their crops to secure oilseed rape’s valuable position for years to come. This year we will be offering £200 cash back to anyone that purchases Protector® Sclerotinia tolerant hybrid, PT303 and Belkar herbicide for the 2024/25 growing season. Find out more here.


Browse our extensive resource collection to tap into a wealth of information.


Label & SDS finder

Select a product to view its labels and material safety data sheets.

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Cereal spraying - Arylex active herbicides from Corteva Agriscience.jpg

Tank mixes

In this section you can find key tank mix information. New tank mix tool also  available on our arable app for OSR herbicides.

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Sprayer in OSR field

Product stewardship

Effective stewardship is a major platform of our business to ensure that our products are only used when necessary and any undesirable effects of spraying are minimised. Find out more about our work in this area

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Arable e-newsletter

Read our arable digital newsletter for in-season technical information and advice. You can also subscribe to receive our news direct via email.

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Arable App Placeholder

Arable app & Kerb Weather Data

Access technical information on our arable crop protection products including tank mix and labels. Entry point for Kerb Weather Data. Detail on our OSR and maize hybrids also available. Free to download.

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CPD Points image 1550 x 560-0

Learn and earn CPD points

We have several online training courses to support both farmers and advisors with their continued professional development, with opportunities to earn CPD points.


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Our latest arable news

Corteva's oilseed rape business update - July 2024

Read our July 2024 OSR update here

New data shows severity of brome concern for wheat growers

Updated sprayer hygiene and winter maintenance advice launched by Corteva

Made with operators in mind, showing in detail how to dismantle, replace and reassemble wearing parts on the sprayer which need attention during winter maintenance. Includes the servicing of a Ramsay pressure set (Ramsay box) and an approach to replacing the pistons in the nozzles of a sprayer. 

Field and workshop section included as well as Inatreq™️ application advice and how this was adopted in 2023.

Watch the trailer

Read more here

Corteva OSR Survey results and findings

Bitesize technical advice

New data shows severity of brome a concern for wheat growers

New data from a Corteva Agriscience survey shows that 80% of respondents have populations on their farms with the vast majority estimating it to be infesting up to 25% of their winter wheat area in 2023.

Cultural control methods such as rotational planning, delayed drilling and ploughing are being deployed on every farm involved in the research, and the brome problem has been shown to exist in all the main wheat-growing regions of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

Alister McRobbie, Cereal Herbicides Category Manager, said: “This work provides more clarity on how widespread brome issues are and the various approaches being taken to reduce populations. 

Read more here.

Inatreq™ advice for 2024 and new sprayer hygiene / maintenance video

Updated sprayer hygiene and winter maintenance advice launched!

Made with operators in mind, showing in detail how to dismantle, replace and reassemble wearing parts on the sprayer which need attention during winter maintenance. Includes the servicing of a Ramsay pressure set (Ramsay box) and an approach to replacing the pistons in the nozzles of a sprayer. 

Field and workshop section included as well as Inatreq™️ application advice and how this was adopted in 2023.

Read more here.

OSR herbicides in a programme

Propyzamide stewardship

Renowned herbicides such as AstroKerb® and Kerb® Flo 500 contain propyzamide and are the cornerstones of many herbicide programmes. They are key to controlling grassweeds in OSR. 

Consider stewardship principles when planting oilseed rape. Read our press release here.

Volunteer tame oat control

Managing herbicide resistance in broad-leaved weeds

Volunteer control in cereals