Case Study •  22/12/2023

Univoq keeps septoria at bay

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A Cotswolds farmer who has had no septoria on his farm since applying Univoq™ is “100% sure” he will continue to use it in the future.

Jim Organ, who farms 650 acres near Bourton on the Water, has applied the fungicide, which contains Inatreq™ active, to his winter wheat crop for the past two years.

“My agronomist said it’s the best septoria cure on the market, so that’s why we went with it,” Jim says.

After drilling Extase and Champion varieties in early October, Jim applied Univoq to his whole winter wheat area at the low rate of 1l/ha at the T2 timing.  

“I don’t think there was much disease about beforehand so it may have just been the year, but we didn’t have any septoria after application,” he says.

Jim has never experienced any problems with Univoq and his sprayer, which is something he attributes to washing it out in a timely manner.

“When I first used Univoq I would wash it out after every tankful, so I had no problems whatsoever,” he says. “This year my agronomist said I could just wash it out at night, which I always do anyway.

“Even though we went with a low-volume application I made sure I washed it out when we were finished and didn’t leave any in the tank – I suspect that may have been the cause of the problems other people had.

Corteva’s guidelines came out this year, so if you followed them, you shouldn’t have had any problems at all.”

In addition to winter wheat, Jim also grows spring barley and a break crop. The arable rotation covers 350 acres, while the rest of the farm is made up a miscanthus crop, grass and woodland.

“I can’t say if Univoq had any impact on winter wheat yields, but overall it was an average year anyway,” Jim says.

“And as I applied it to the whole crop I can’t say if it resulted in the wheat being greener than it would’ve been otherwise, as I didn’t have anything to compare it to.

“But we will 100% be using it again, unless my agronomist advises otherwise, as since we’ve started using Univoq we haven’t had any septoria.”
Jim Organ
Jim Organ
Jim Organ
Jim Organ

Useful information

Corteva technical hotline:
Tel: 0800 689 8899