By Clare Stapley, Category Marketing Manager and Joe Martin, Field Technical Manager
Crops are generally looking quite different to what they were this time last year. We’re just starting to see signs of spring and crops are showing the effects of a relatively sustained cold period. They looked good going into the winter, with many having large canopies, which are now being reduced by pigeons and CSFB reports remain low which is positive.
Fertiliser applications are starting to go on and we are seeing temperatures start to warm up. With that we will now see crops starting to grow away.
In terms of herbicides, autumn was fairly kind so the majority of crops will have had a good autumn programme for both broad-leaved weeds and grass-weeds.
It’s still important to check the state of the weeds in crops and make plans to treat if necessary. With pigeon damage opening up the soil and therefore spring flushes likely, there is potential for significant weed pressure that will rob yield and cause issues at harvest.
It’s important to take a programmed approach to weed control and a spring application is part of that.
Korvetto® mixes well with a large range of products, especially those required for canopy management or crop nutrition.
Korvetto is the most broad-spectrum option, with two active ingredients – Arylex™ active and Clopyralid.
Some of the weeds controlled by Korvetto are key yield-robbing weeds, such as cleavers, thistles, mayweeds and poppies or less common weeds such as bristly ox-tongue, wild carrot and shepherds needle.
Cleavers are the most competitive broad-leaved weed and they germinate in both autumn and spring. They will take advantage of fertiliser inputs and will also deprive the crop of nutrients, water and light. In non-competitive crops, one cleaver plant per square metre can result in a 5% yield loss. And if left can cause issues at harvest.
Korvetto control: Susceptible up to 15cm.
Cleavers weed biology information.
Creeping thistles will grow on a range of soil types and respond to nitrogen fertilisers. It germinates in both autumn and spring.
The seed remains viable in the soil for over 5 years and it is difficult to control with cultural methods as cultivations break up the extensive root system which germinate.
Korvetto control (Creeping thistle): Susceptible up to 10cm.
Korvetto will also control other thistle species.
Thistles weed biology information.
Poppies have a similar competitive index to blackgrass and mayweed. One plant can produce 20,000 seeds and the seeds can remain dormant for 100 years in the soil seed bank. They can cause significant difficulties at harvest including blocking combine sieves.
SU resistance has been confirmed in the UK, therefore resistance management and WRAG guidelines should be considered when targeting this weed if resistance is known or suspected.
Korvetto does not contain SU/ALS actives and is therefore provides an alternative solution to control resistant poppy in the rotation.
Korvetto control: Moderately susceptible up to 10cm.
Poppies weed biolgoy information.
There are several widely distributed species of mayweeds including scented mayweed, scentless mayweed and pineappleweed.
Mayweeds are competitive to the crop and can have significant impact on crop harvesting, moisture of the seed at harvesting and the level of admixture left in the harvested sample.
All species of mayweed can germinate throughout the year including in spring and depending on the species produce 5,000-10,00 seeds per plant.
Korvetto control: Susceptible up to 7.5cm.
Mayweed weed biology information.
For more information on Korvetto and the weeds controlled, please get in touch with your local area manager or contact our hotline team on 0800 689 8899 or