Can you tell us a bit about your role at Corteva?
Product stewardship leadership is a very diverse role, we help other functions within the company create processes and tools to ensure our work processes meet local and international standards and legislations. We support the business in decision making process and work externally to ensure our products are used following best practices.
Can you describe your journey to becoming EU Product Stewardship Leader at Corteva?
I joined the Agricultural chemical industry straight out of university (3 days after graduation!), into early-stage discovery research. From there it was a logical step to then move to field biology, where you get to work with more developed products and see them in action in the field under real use conditions. My responsibilities grew and with that came more leadership roles: biology lead for projects in the UK and Ireland and Europe, leading to global biology leader. This also included a role as a people leader for a team of field biologists.
I wouldn’t say stewardship was an automatic choice for me as I really liked being in product development, but I realised that in stewardship I would have a much broader role with a wider impact. Although I had gained a lot of experience in product development in stewardship, I would learn more about different aspects of the business. I have been in stewardship for a number of years now and can honestly say my role has had a positive impact on many aspects of our business.
Do you have a connection to agriculture outside of Corteva?
Not really, I grew up in an urban environment, but spent long holidays in very rural landscape and I live in a very rural small village now. I most enjoy being out and about in the countryside, identifying plants and animals and fungi, watching the whole agricultural cycles of crops and animals.
What has been the most interesting project you've worked on at Corteva?
I have been very lucky to have had many opportunities that stretched and strengthened my work experience. I worked in urban pest research, with baits for the control of ants, flies but mainly for termites. Experimentation with baits and social insects is a really different science, there are so many factors to consider to understand colony and individual insect behaviour and as the target was to protect homes and buildings, many of which were very beautiful old properties, this added other factors in how we ran trials, and assessed successful outcomes.
Doing fly bait control in chicken houses was a bit less glamorous. It’s a biologist dream to follow a product from early-stage discovery to approval and use and I have been able to do that across platforms, but I loved being part of the research and development of our grassland products, for the UK and Ireland, Europe and then to a global level where I led grassland product development projects in the USA, Latin America, Africa, Australia New Zealand.
Team Leadership is also a really exciting opportunity, it’s great to be part of the development of newer members, watch their career launch and grow, but in my team I also had some very experienced team members and actually there was great pleasure in supporting their personal and professional growth too.
What advice would you give to someone aspiring to work in stewardship?
A good understanding of our company’s business is important, as well as a scientific background, with some experience in experimentation and agronomy but as most of the work we do in stewardship is about partnership, and working cooperatively across all aspects of the business, it’s important to be able to lead and influence in a team environment. We are pretty passionate about our roles but one of the better skills to bring to this job is to be able to take a step back, and not to be afraid to ask questions.
Who are the women who have influenced you the most in your professional journey?
In Corteva, one of our previous Vice President’s, Susanne Wasson, who could clearly communicate her expectations, had time to coach you if you were dragging behind a bit, but equally prompt to acknowledge successes. Susanne was demure without sacrificing her leadership prowess and it was great to work with her. My sisters, who both have successful careers with a great work life balance and a work focus I still aspire to.
Would you recommend Corteva as a great place to work? Why?
Yes, no surprise that it’s the people that we work with that are most important, I like the diversity in my role but looking at our portfolio and business aspirations Corteva has a great future, which means it’s a great place to grow you career.
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