Maize Hero

Principal® Forte


Principal Forte is a post-emergence herbicide that controls a wide range of both grass and broad-leaved weeds.


Principal Forte will control fat-hen, common amaranth, field pennycress, barnyard grass, green bristle grass, hairy fingergrass and couch grass*, and many other weeds. For more information, please see below.

*Suppression of common couch top growth, reduction of growth in the following year has not been established. 


  • Few following crop restrictions
  • Rapid contact action
  • Rainfast in 4 hours


  • 1 application per calendar year
  • Must be applied with an adjuvant that is classified as 95.0 % w/w oil (rapeseed triglycerides)
  • Apply from 2 to 9 leaves unfolded (GS12-19) between 1st May and 31st July
  • Apply to small, actively growing weeds
  • Maximum individual dose: 480 g/ha + adjuvant
  • Maximum total dose: 480 g/ha + adjuvant


For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.

About Principal Forte


  • Forage Maize
  • Grain maize 

Technical Specifications

Product Registration Number:

MAPP No. 20797

Active Ingredient:

Contains 510 g/kg of dicamba + 62 g/kg of nicosulfuron + 31 g/kg of rimsulfuron + 31 g/kg isoxadifen safener

Pack size:

2.4 kg, each pack will treat 5ha


Water Dispersible Granule

Water volumes

200-400 l/ha 

Spray quality: 

Medium as defined by BCPC

®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use