Shield Pro™ 


Shield Pro™ is the new name for Dow Shield® 400, the tried and trusted herbicide for control of yield-robbing weeds in sugar beet, maize, vegetables and many other crops. 

Shield Pro is a post-emergence herbicide which provides control of a range of perennial and annual broad-leaved weeds in oilseed rape, sugar beet and a wide range of other crops. 

With a flexible dose rate and ideal for a programmed approach, Shield Pro controls many broadleaved weeds including mayweeds, groundsel, thistles and volunteer potatoes.

Shield Pro comes in an easy to use and convenient 2L bottle with no induction seals. These simplify waste disposal and improve turn around operations.

Or call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899 or e-mail:

See our latest article: Managing herbicide resistance in broad-leaved weeds here (published December 2024).


Excellent crop selectivity and compatibility

Excellent crop selectivity and compatibility

New self-seal technology

New self-seal technology

No induction seal or foil to dispose of

Improves turn around operations

Simplifies waste recovery

Reduces risk of point source contamination

Application Advice

Shield Pro has a flexible dose rate and ideal for a programmed approach. Read more about our best use application advice in the technical specification sheet.


Need more information?

If you have a question, or would like to learn more about Sheild Pro application, check out our helpful resources:

Technical Hotline

Contact Us

For more info call our technical hotline: 0800 689 8899, or e-mail:

Forage App

Contact us

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.

Arable App

Contact us

For easy to access information on the go, download our FREE Arable App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.

Crops of Use

You can view a comprehesive list of Sheild Pro control in the technical specification sheet.


Forage maize


Brussels Sprouts







Ornamental Plants


Oilseed Rape


Technical Specifications



Shield Pro™


Product Registration Number MAPP No. 20156
Active Ingredient 400 g/lclopyralid
Pack Size 2.0 L
Formulation Solution concentrate
Maximum Individual Dose See product label for crop specific advice
Maximum Total Dose See product label for crop specific advice
Latest Timing No earlier than 1st March in year of harvest 
 See product label for crop specific advice
Water Volumes 200 - 250 l/ha (Sugar Beet low dose: 80-100 Litres water/ha)
Spray Quality Medium as defined by BCPC


®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use