Doxstar® Pro


Doxstar® Pro is a concentrated formulation controlling all species of docks in established grassland.

Docks are a major problem in UK grassland and can have serious impacts on productivity and palatability of forage. Docks compete with grass for light, nutrients, and moisture, thus reducing grass yields. They have only 65% of the feed value of good grass and are generally unpalatable to livestock. Docks are a long-term problem and, therefore, require a long-term control solution.

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now.

Or call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899 or e-mail:


Translocated to the roots

Translocated to the roots

Doxstar Pro is translocated to the roots ensuring high levels of long-term control.

Short grazing interval

Short grazing interval

Grazing livestock can be returned to the field just 7 days after application.

Long-term control

Long-term control

The addition inclusion of triclopyr means long-term control of both broad-leaved and curled docks is far better than using fluroxypyr alone. Doxstar Pro also gives excellent control of chickweed.

Application Advice


Use Doxstar Pro on grassland for grazing or silage, hay or haylage. For best results target actively growing docks in the rosette stage and up to 200 mm across or high. If a high proportion of dock plants have seed heads present, it is recommended to cut the docks and to treat the re-growth at the appropriate timing.


Exclude livestock prior to treatment to allow docks to recover from trampling. Allow 4 weeks after spraying before cutting to minimise dying biomass being taken into the silage clamp and to achieve the highest levels of long-term control of docks. If using Doxstar Pro after cutting, allow for sufficient weed regrowth to occur before spraying. This would normally be 2-3 weeks.


Need more information?

If you have a question, or would like to learn more about Doxstar Pro application, check out our helpful resources:

Technical Hotline

Contact Us

For more info call our technical hotline: 0800 689 8899, or e-mail:

FREE Forage App

FREE Forage App

For more information download our FREE Forage App. Available to download from the App Store or Google play now. 

Crop of Use

You can view a comprehesive list of Doxstar Pro crops and controls in the technical specification sheet.



Grassland, established

Technical Specifications



Doxstar® Pro


Product Registration Number MAPP 15664
Active Ingredient 150 g/litre fluroxypyr + 150 g/litre triclopyr
Pack Size 2.0 Litres
Formulation Emulsifiable Concentrate
Maximum Individual Dose 2.0 L/ha
Maximum Total Dose 2.0 L/ha (one application per year)
Water Volumes 300 – 400 L/ha unless 75% 3-Star Drift Reduction Nozzles are being used in which case the water volume can be reduced to 200L/ha
Spray Quality  MEDIUM as defined by BCPC

®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.