


Grandstand® is an oil dispersion formulation containing 6.25 g/litres Arylex™ (halauxifen-methyl), 5 g/litres florasulam, as well as a 6g/L safener (cloquintocet-mexyl). A post-emergence herbicide for use on managed amenity turf for the control of clover, daisy, dandelion, buttercup, plantain and other broad-leaved weeds. 

For more information please contact: 

Origin Amenity Solutions 0800 138 7222

Or  call our Technical hotline:0800 689 8899, or e-mail:

About Grandstand®

Best Use Advice

  • Grandstand can be applied to established managed amenity turf including lawns. Newly sown turf needs to become established before treating. 
  • Apply to small and actively growing weeds. 
  • Avoid mowing 3 days before and 7 days after application to ensure sufficient weed leaf surface for application and translocation into the roots. 
  • Do not apply if the turf is wet. 
  • Do not apply if the turf is under stress, especially from variable temperatures, drought or cold, dry weather. 
  • Grass clippings must be composted for a minimum of 4 months before being used as a mulch. 
  • The use of low drift nozzles is recommended and don’t spray on a windy day. 
  • Don’t spray when temperatures are more than 25°C in the shade. 
  • Do not apply with hand-held equipment. 
  • To avoid subsequent injury to sensitive crops, spray equipment used for Grandstand applications should be thoroughly cleaned with All Clear Extra or a similar proprietary tank cleaner


  • Grass
  • Amenity 


Technical Specifications

Product Registration Number: 
MAPP No. 20724

Active Ingredient: 
6.25 g/l Arylex™ (halauxifen-methyl), 5 g/l florasulam, as well as a 6g/l safener (cloquintocet-mexyl). 

Pack Size: 
3 L

Oil dispersion 

Dose Rate: 
1.2 l/ha 

Water Volumes: 
200 - 500 l/ha 

When weeds are small but actively growing between 1st April to 30th September.

Do not mow 3 days before and 7 days after spraying. 

Spray Quality: 
Medium as defined by BCPC 

‘‘®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.