Palio® for control of ryegrass, brome, oats and broad-leaved weeds.
How to make the most of Palio
1. Leading product for Ryegrass, Brome, Oats and Broad-leaved weeds
2. Use as part of a programme
3. Use with a residual partner
4. Apply to a small target weed (optimally 1-3 leaf)
5. Apply to active growth (2-3 days either side of application)
6. Soil temperature ideally 8°C (minimum of 6°C)
7. Ensure optimal application techniques are followed:
o Pre tillereing: 130-150 L/ha, FINE-MEDIUM spray quality, CFF, VPFF, Defy nozzles
o Tillering: 150 L/ha, MEDIUM spray quality, CFF, VPFF, twin fluid nozzles
Key considerations: Active growth, size of (grass) weeds, mix with a residual, attention to detail when spraying, avoid stressed crops.
Spring wheat approval
- on label approval for use in spring wheat
Includes all spring varieties irrespective of when they are sown
o Application window March 1st GS21 up to May 31st GS32 of the crop
o Max application rate 200 g/ha in spring wheat
o One application per crop
o Apply with an adjuvant
o Wide range of broad-leaved weeds controlled
o Control of wild oats up to GS23 of wild oats
o No joint applications with ALS containing products are currently supported on spring wheat
o Avoid spraying stressed crops
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Product Registration Number:
MAPP 18349
Active Ingredient:
14.2 g/kg florasulam + 70.8 g/kg pyroxsulam
Pack Size:
1.06 kg (4 hectares)
Water Dispersible Granule
Maximum Individual Dose:
265 g/ha winter wheat, rye, triticale
200 g/ha spring wheat
Maximum Number of Applications:
1 per crop
Application Timing:
Winter wheat
GS11-32 inclusive
Spring wheat
1st March GS21 - 31st May GS32
Water Volumes:
100-200 l/ha.
Optimum 130-150 l/ha
Spray Quality:
Fine to Medium as defined by BCPC
Autumn – CFF, VPFF, Defy, Hawk
Spring – CFF, VPFF, Twin Fluid and Air Inclusion
‘‘®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use.