NEW fast-acting, wide spectrum herbicide for 2025
ProGrass is a selective herbicide for use in established grassland to control tough-to-kill perennial weeds namely: docks, buttercups, dandelion, common nettle, cow parsley and common hogweed.
The label supports a short cutting interval of just 7 days; useful for applications between silage cuts when it is not always possible to wait for the standard 28 cutting interval that is on the label of most other dock control products. Note that for optimum reduction in weed biomass, wait for at least 21 days following treatment before cutting.
For more information call our Hotline: 0800 689 8899 or email:
Product Registration Number:
MAPP No. 21182
Active Ingredient:
6.7 g/l Arylex (halauxifen-methyl) + 200 g/l fluroxypyr + 200 g/l triclopyr
Pack Size:
3 L (treats 2 ha)
Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC)
Maximum Individual Dose:
1.5 L
Maximum Number of Applications:
1 per year
Application Timing:
1st March to 31st October and 7 days before cutting or grazing
Water Volumes:
200 l/ha
Spray Quality:
Medium / Coarse as defined by BCPC
3* Drift Reduction Technology
®™Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies. Use plant protection products safely. Always read the label and product information before use