Maize crop


Improve crop performance and sustainability through better nitrogen management. 


Nitrogen use efficiency is about getting the most from every kilo of applied nitrogen. It's well-known that significant amounts of nitrogen can escape from fields as nitrate into water courses, and the atmosphere as nitrous oxide. If nitrogen is not in the soil, crops can’t access it, which limits yield potential and is environmentally unsustainable.


Instinct, based upon Corteva’s unique Optinyte technology, keeps more nitrogen in the soil for longer, improving nitrogen use efficiency.


It can be applied with crop sprayers and with slurry, and can be used in conjunction with any form of fertiliser containing ammonium; such as slurry, digestate, sludge, urea, UAN and ammonium nitrate.


Instinct can be used on cereal crops, maize, and oilseed rape, with more crops being evaluated.


Instinct benefits:

    - Keeps 28% more nitrogen in the soil for longer

    - Can increase yields by 10%

    - Reduces leaching by 48%

    - Reduces nitrous oxide emission by approximately 50%



For more information please contact:

Agrovista: 0115 939 2020

Or call our Technical hotline: 0800 689 8899

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Mode of action

How Optinyte technology works

Instinct works by stabilising ammonium (NH4+) . It slow down the process that converts ammonium to nitrite. This process can be slowed down for 10-12 weeks.

This process keeps more ammonium in the soil for longer. What's more, ammonium is not vulnerable to leaching from soil with rainfall, nor will it be converted to nitrous oxide in waterlogged soils.

As more nitrogen is retained in the soil for longer, the yield potential of a crop is optimised, and environmental footprint reduced.

The tables below demonstrate how Instinct retains more nitrogen in the upper layers of soil over time., which becomes available to the developing crop. 



When to use Instinct

The best time to apply Instinct is as close to the main fertilisation as possible. Before fertilisation is preferable, but later is acceptable, provided there hasn’t been too much ammonium conversion.

Typically, applications will be made to cereals and oilseed rape  from late February through to early April. Applications to maize should be from mid-April onwards. 

Instinct is also available for use in the Autumn, typically from August through to early September. Read more about why to use Instinct in the Autumn.

Ammonium will be stabilised for about 10-12 weeks, depending upon soil temperatures. The cooler the soil, the longer the period of stabilisation. 

For optimum results apply Instinct as soon as possible so the ammonium is protected from environmental losses, and available to the crop.


How to use Instinct

Instinct can be applied a number of ways:

    - With a crop sprayer (alone or tank-mixed with other inputs)

    - With liquid fertiliser

    - With slurry

Incorporation into the seedbed is an ideal way to apply Instinct.

It is key to get Instinct into the soil. When not incorporating Instinct by mechanical means, 12mm of rain is needed within 10 days of the Instinct application.

Instinct can be applied in a number of ways:

  • With slurry / digestate​
  • With UAN​
  • With glyphosate​
  • With pre-em herbicides​
  • With post-em herbicides

About Instinct


  • Optimises yield potential of crops fertilised with ammonium containing fertilisers (such as slurry, digestate, UAN,  AN, urea, etc.).
  • Keeps more ammonium in soil for longer.
  • Reduces nitrogen escape into the environment.
  • Regulates nitrate availability to crops.
  • Compatible with a range of crop inputs such as herbicides, fungicides, liquid fertilisers.
  • Only one rate, regardless of when applied.
  • Usually applied with a crop sprayer.
  • May be applied with slurry.
  • Must be incorporated within 10 days by either 12 mm of rain or mechanical incorporation.
  • Can be applied to potatoes, sugar beet, maize, cereals, oilseed rape, grass or land intended for these crops
  • When using Instinct, farmers and the environment will benefit from:
  • At least 8 more weeks of nitrogen availability in the soil.
  • 50% less greenhouse gas emissions.
  • 45 % less nitrogen leaching.
  • 28% greater nitrogen-in soil-retention.
  • Optimised nitrogen use and yield potential .
  • Improved root structure.

Best Use Advice

  • Best results seen when used on light soils prone to leaching, and heavy soils prone to water-logging.
  • Can be applied before, or with, or after a fertiliser application.
  • Optimal performance is when Instinct is applied early in the season, within a few days of the main fertiliser applications.
  • In cool conditions bacterial inhibition may last 10-12 weeks, in warm soils 8-10 weeks.
  • If applied as a foliar application and not to the soil and incorporated, 12 mm of rain is required within 10 days of the Instinct application for optimum performance.
  • Instinct is compatible with a wide variety of crop protection products. For a full tank-mix list please visit the website:


  • Cereals
  • Maize
  • Oilseed Rape
  • Potatoes
  • Sugar beet

Technical Specifications


Cereals, oilseed rape and maize

Application timing:

During March for winter cereals. Before, at, or after drilling in Maize

Active ingredient:

300 g/litre nitrapyrin


CS Capsule Solution (Microencapsulation)

Pack size: 

10 L

Recommended dose:

1.7 l/ha

Maximum dose:

Do not apply more than a total of 3.4 L of Instinct per hectare per year, 125 days must elapse between applications

Water volumes: 

100 - 300 l/ha 

Spray quality: 

Medium as defined by BCPC


All conventional nozzles 



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