P7364 is a tall, early maturity, hybrid with good early vigour and very good lodging resistance. It has been extensively tested on 33 favourable open locations and 31 open less favourable locations over four years. P7364 has been tested on 14 locations under film over four years. P7364 has flint textured grain and has given high yields of good quality silage.
P7364 is suited to sowing on favourable sites in the open. P7364 can be considered for favourable sites and the warmest less favourable sites under film.
P7364 has good resistance to Eyespot with a score of 7.0 and has shown good general resilience to late season leaf and stalk infections
* Score on a 1- 9 scale where 9 = very resistant
** Assumes plant establishment losses of less than 5%
*** Film penetration varies with conditions and film. Trials conducted with Samco and Maizetech films