Now submit your receipts

2025 Inatreq Stewardship Support Offer

Welcome to Step 2 of the Corteva Claim Submission Portal

Your claim has not been submitted yet

Thanks for providing your details at Step 1 of the claim portal. The final step of your submission is to send your receipts to our team, so we can validate them and confirm you are eligible for the £200 offer.

Please remember that you need to send proof of purchases of both

  • 20-litres of Corteva product containing Inatreq™ active fungicide (these are Univoq™, Peacoq™, Inconiq™, Questar™, Aquino™, Apaveq™,  Poquet™ or Peqtiga™)
  • Any nozzle anti-drip diaphragms or pistons, pump diaphragms or a Ramsay box seal in alignment with the Corteva application advice

Spray contractors may provide a contracting invoice specifying application of Corteva product containing Inatreq™ active fungicide, along with proof of purchases for any nozzle anti-drip diaphragms or pistons, pump diaphragms or a Ramsay box seal in alignment with the Corteva application advice.

Your purchases need to have been made between 1st November 2024 and 30th June 2025. The deadline for completing your claim is 31st August 2025.

Ensure you have read the full terms and conditions here.

Please use the button below to submit your proof of purchases to


 Please note, this button only works if you have an email app installed on your device. Otherwise, you will manually need to create an email to with your proof of purchases attached.

How to get in touch

If you are having any issues with this process, please email us ( providing contact details so we can get in touch to help you.

Further information

Inatreq best practice advice for 2025: Before purchasing or using products containing Inatreq active, we have asked farmers and contractors to follow Corteva’s best practice application advice. In recognition that changing sprayer parts does carry a cost, Corteva has created this Offer. Corteva has also provided a useful parts guidance reference document on its website (see resources section).

You can return to Step 1 of the claim submission portal here.


Terms & Conditions

Ensure you have read the Inatreq Stewardship Support Offer Terms & Conditions
