Common chickweed in cereals


Common chickweed (Stellaria media) is found all over the UK. It is a bright-green annual weed that grows low to the ground, producing tiny white flowers with 5 petals. The stems are rounded, and the leaves are oval shape, ending with a slight point. It is mainly competitive against winter oilseed rape, and spring cereals, although can also be found in abundance in winter cereals, as well as other crops.

Germination can occur at any time throughout the year, with up to three generations possible in any one year in winter cereal crops. Spring-germinating plants tend to die in the late summer months, and autumn-germinating plants survive over-winter in a low, dense mat.

ALS resistant chickweed

Sulfonylurea resistance is confirmed in the UK, and consequently if a population is resistant, it is  important to consider using herbicides with an alternative mode of action.

It is still possible to control ALS resistant chickweed with florasulam based products

Recommendation for Winter & Spring cereals:

  • Spitfire = florasulam + fluroxypyr @ 0.75 L/ha
  • Galaxy / Dakota= clopyralid+florasulam+fluroxypyr @ 0.75 L/ha

All products provide excellent control of ALS resistant chickweed and help to manage the resistance risk.

Products to control common chickweed